Tuesday, June 16, 2009

East Java

Jawa Timur (East Java) is one of Indonesia province.East Java is a province in the eastern part of Java Island, Indonesia. Surabaya is the capital. Area 47,922 km ² area, and population 37,070,731 people (2005). East Java province terluas are among the 6 provinces in Java Island, and has the second highest number of people in Indonesia after West Java. East Java is bordered by Java Sea to the north, the east of Bali, in the southern Indian Ocean, and Central Java Province in the west. East Java also includes the island of Madura, Pulau Bawean, Kangean Island and a number of small islands in the Java Sea and Indian Ocean (Island Sempu and Nusabarung).

East Java Arts : There are many East Java Art.East Java has a number of unique art. Ludruk is one of the art Java Timuran famous enough, that is, the art of the stage that all PLAYERS are generally men. Unlike the ketoprak which recounts the life of the palace, told ludruk daily life simple, often spiced with humor and social criticism, and generally opened with a dance and Remo parikan. When this group ludruk can be found in traditional areas of Surabaya, Mojokerto, Jombang and, despite the existence defeated with modernization. Reog which was claimed as a dance of Malaysia is typical of Ponorogo that have been patented since 2001, now also become reog icon of East Java. Accompanied by the director reog jaran braid (lumping horse) with the supernatural elements. Art famous East Java Other shadowgraph purwa style Timuran Java, Madura mask in the manipulator, and besutan. Mataraman in the region, such as the arts Tengahan Javanese wayang kulit ketoprak and quite popular. Famous legends of East Java, among other Damarwulan and Angling Darma. Art of traditional dance in East Java in general can be grouped in style Tengahan Java, Java Timuran style, dance style Osing Java, Madura and trian style. Art dance classic, among other gambyong dance, dance srimpi, dance Bondan, and rover.

East Java Culture and Customs : Culture and customs tribe in East Java the west received many influences from Tengahan, so that the area is known as Mataraman; indicates that the area is used to power the Sultanate of Mataram. Areas include ex-Karesidenan Madiun (Madiun, Ngawi, Magetan, Ponorogo, Pacitan), ex-Karesidenan Kediri (Kediri, Tulungagung, Blitar, Trenggalek) and some Bojonegoro. As in Central Java, wayang kulit and ketoprak quite popular in this area. Western coastal area of East Java heavily influenced by Islamic culture. This region covers areas Tuban, Lamongan, and Gresik. Previously north coast is the East Java area and the entrance of the center of Islam. Five of nine members Walisongo dimakamkan in this area. In the area ex-Karesidenan Surabaya (including Sidoarjo, Mojokerto and Jombang) and Malang, has little cultural influence Mataraman, considering this area is far enough from the center of Javanese culture: Surakarta and Yogyakarta. Customs in the horseshoe area heavily influenced by the culture of Madura, considering the size of the population Madura tribe in this area. Tradition of community solidarity is Osing culture Java, Madura and Bali. While the tradition of The Tengger heavily influenced by Hindu culture. Village in East Java, as well as in Central Java, who have ties based on friendship and territorial. Many of the traditional ceremony was held, among others: tingkepan (age ceremony for the seven months of pregnancy first child), babaran (before the birth of the baby ritual), sepasaran (the ceremony after the baby was five days), pitonan (the ceremony after the baby was seven months), circumcision, fiancee. East Java residents generally embrace marriage monogamy. Before the application, the men make the event nako'ake (asking if the girl already has a fiance), after it is done peningsetan (applications). Didahului marriage ceremony with the event or meeting kepanggih. Pray for those who have died, the family usually do tell donga on the day-to-1, to 3-to-7, to 40-to-100, 1 year and 3 years after death.

East Java Architecture : Building the western part of East Java (as in Ngawi, Madiun, Magetan and Ponorogo) generally similar to the building Tengahan Java (Surakarta). Typical Building East Java generally have Joglo form, shape limasan (gepak virgin), the form of srontongan (empyak setangkep). 

The period of colonialism Indies-Dutch also left a number of ancient buildings. Cities in East Java, there are many buildings which was established in the colonial era, especially in Surabaya and Malang.


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